Friday, March 30, 2018

Aviation Organizations

I am currently a member of Airline Dispatchers Federation (ADF) they represent the professional interests of the dispatch profession. ADF’s constituency is comprised of licensed aircrafts dispatchers and operational control professionals from 100 aerospace companies including every major U.S. airline. Any questions you may have regarding dispatch can be answered here. If you follow them on Facebook they post all jobs that are available throughout United States. I know once I graduate with my FAA certificate I will search through their websites since they are linked with many major companies who are hiring. The other would be Women in Aviation International, many members who have established their careers in the aviation industry all over the world. Being a member keeps you connected to someone who shares your interests in the aviation world. ADF have many supporters such as: Sabre, Flamingo Air Inc., Professional Airline Flight Control Association (PAFCA), Skyguide – Swiss air navigation services ltd., The Weather Company, Jeppesen – A Boeing Company, Flightkeys 5D, Aerodata, Zetron, Robust Analytics (RA), INEMSOFT, IFOD, AVTEC, Russbassett and Lufthansa Systems. Airline Dispatchers Federation board is created by actual working dispatchers, it’s not a labor organization. Women in Aviation International is a nonprofit organization that encourages the advancement of women in all aviation career fields and interests. Both organizations provide year-round resources to assist and encourage members in considering aviation as a career. WAI has partnered up with many corporate members such as: Spirit Airlines, ABX Air Inc., Air Wisconsin, Alaska, Ameriflight, Boeing, Bose, Cape Air Nantucket Airlines, David Clark, Delta, Endeavor Air, GoJet and hundreds more.
As for Airline Dispatcher Federation is filled with resources for aircraft dispatchers, they have yearly conferences and maintain the standards of the airline industry in general. They are dedicated to the advocacy of aircraft dispatchers in the United States.
The WAI encourages women to pursue a career in the aviation industry that is normally dominated by males. They provide an understanding and contribution of women in aviation such Amelia Earhart, Jeana Yeager and Bessie Coleman.

Women in Aviation International. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2018 from

Airline Dispatchers Federation. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2018 from


  1. Hello Jadranka,
    Your post was rich of really interesting information. I am personally a member of Women in Aviation International and its unbelievable how much networking I already have achieved in such a little time frame since I joined. I am always there anxiously waiting for their bimonthly publication in which they periodically publish such inspirational stories of other women within the aviation field. I really made a good decision in joining and I would recommend it to everybody, including guys. Also, if it is called Women in Aviation International their doors are open also to men and in my opinion those people that consider themselves too machos to join this organization, just because there is the words Women in it, are honestly really missing out.

  2. Great post J. I never knew about ADF, and I also think its great that you joined. I am definitely going to look into ADF.

  3. This is a great post Iron Butterfly. I am very interested in receiving my dispatchers certificate as well. It would be wise to join the Airline Dispatchers Federation because they also have operational control over flights. Supporting and representing dispatcher's rights would be very important for a pilot because the dispatcher plays an extremely critical role in determining the safety of a flight.

  4. Jadranka, I really liked how the organizations you listed are the same once you are a member off. It shows how much of an involved individual you are. I never knew that the ADF exist. Since I want to get my dispatch certification, I will definitely look deeply into the association. Great Post!

  5. Iron Butterfly,

    Really great post! I liked how the ADF is really involved with getting knowledge out about the true life and responsibilities of a dispatcher. I personally do not know much about that life, and it is very seldom discussed. I also want to be a member of WAI not only for the connections they have, but because of the philosophy that they have of wanting to help others.

  6. Great post!! I’m also a member of Women in Aviation International so I can relate to how great the benefits, resources, and capabilities are! Airline Dispatchers Federation sounds so interesting! Is it something that people who are not directly dispatch related can benefit from?

    1. Of course! I follow them on Facebook and they show "dispatch" jobs that are available, but what I also found was that the company that is hiring for dispatch also have other aviation jobs available.
