Wednesday, January 10, 2018

My Personal Introduction -

I’ve always been fascinated with the magic and wonder of the aviation world. I remembered as a child boarding the metal beasts and the bustling of the airport with people dressed for the occasion. I do not come from a family with an aviation background as many who are in the EMU Aviation Program, so this was going to be all new to me and my family. This all started when day after day I would drive pass Detroit Metro Airport to and from work and watch the planes fly overhead through my moon roof. I was not happy being a general manager in the Food and Beverage Industry, I needed a major change in my life and it had to be fast. Then it clicked as a plane flew overhead, why don't I use my managerial experience with what I enjoy the most and that was traveling. The aviation industry has so many opportunities to develop my aviation career and the benefits are just as great!

I started in the EMU Aviation Flight Technology in 2009 and after a year I had to put schooling on hold. Came back to EMU as a student in the Aviation Management Technology and Aircraft Dispatch Certification Program in the Summer of 2016 and I’m currently a senior. My plans once I graduate is to use my management degree in Florida (sister lives in South Beach Miami, Florida) or use my dispatch certificate in other warm states. Bottom line, I want out of Michigan and don’t ever want to see snow again, never! What interests me in aviation is the NTSB’s role in aviation safety and the FAA’s regulations of civil aviation, my end goal in life is to be part of one of these agencies.


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